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My philosophy of supervision

In my view supervision is a process in which the supervisor facilitates the supervisee to reflect on their work with clients and on their professional development as therapist. The main responsibility of the supervisor is to facilitate a supportive climate in which the supervisee feels safe enough to review her caseload and reflect on her own reactions to clients. In this supportive climate the supervisee is encouraged to adopt a wider or ‘helicopter’ perspective of her work with the client and develop ways forward. The welfare of the client is of paramount importance. In my view supervision should always proceed from an Adult to Adult relationship, which means in Transactional Analysis (TA) terms that two individuals communicate from their ‘Adult Ego State’. Steward and Joines (1987 p.12) define the ‘Adult Ego State’ as follows:  The Adult Ego State contains thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are direct responses to the ‘here and now’, the stimuli of the present moment’.


 My main training as therapist has been in TA Psychotherapy. I also hold a certificate in Person Centred Counselling and I have attended long trainings in CBT and Trauma Therapy. I work in an integrative way and my main approach as therapist and supervisor is to encourage people to explore their feelings and take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. This is based on sound TA philosophical assumptions. (Steward and Joines, 1989, p.275) In TA the term ‘here and now’ is used to ‘emphasise the concentration on the current process rather than past events or speculations about the future. The ‘here–and-now’ is the province of the Adult ego state.’ I integrate working in the ‘here and now’ with supervisees by concentrating on the current process with the client and on facilitating a reflection on current counter transferential issues.  

 TA also emphasises the forming of contracts at every stage of supervision including re-contracting and re-negotiation. I believe that good contracting forms the basis for effective supervision. Forming a business contract, which means to agree clear boundaries at the beginning  about time, fees, cancellation, and confidentiality is crucial  in terms of providing protection for the client, supervisee and supervisor as well as formulating   a clear, measurable outcome and overall  contract. Berne (1966) described the contract as ‘an explicit bilateral commitment to a well defined course of action’ and is in TA referred to as ‘a mutual agreement between client and therapist or supervisor and supervisee.’ It addresses the power imbalance, which often occurs in therapy and supervision by rejecting oppression and promoting personal freedom.


What I have described above are some of my ‘main assets and challenges’ in my work as supervisor. It is through practice that I formulate my own philosophy of supervision, and it is the deepening of my philosophy that has a continuous impact on my work.



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